"Mind is the forerunner of all things. Speak or act with an impure mind, suffering follows as the wagon follows the hoof of the ox. 

Mind is the forerunner of all things. Speak or act with peaceful mind, happiness follows like a shadow that never leaves. "

The Dhammapada, Buddhist Scriptures

The art of meditation has been known to humanity since ancient times and observing one's mind is a skill that is worth learning, as it allows to control one's thoughts,  and subsequently actions, rather than being led by an unruly mind to worry, anxiety, depression and other unpleasant outcomes of our thinking.    Recently Meditation and Mindfulness have become known to many people following growing interest from scientific world, leading to wide spread of new treatments for stress and anxiety.  "We are what we think", and "Thoughts become things" are very simple ways to describe the law of Karma, or cause and effect of our thoughts and actions.   

When You are being mindful of your breathing, your thoughts, the world around You opens up in a completely different way - Your mind opens up to a myriad of new sounds, smells, ideas, beauty around us that we are too busy to notice when we are not mindful of it, when we are stuck in a repetitive 'worry' mode of thinking, of churning the same unhelpful thought or belief, instead of stopping, breathing and re-setting our system to 'calm' mode, allowing ourselves to just Observe without Judgement, with Love and Compassion for Ourselves and the World. 

Breath & Meditation Workshops are created for a wide audience of all ages. We all know that our breathing is important, this is something we all have in common - we come into this world as we take our first breath, & leave as we breathe out our last... but in between,  during our everyday lives we all take our breathing for granted... Let's dive deep into Pranayama - the Art of Yogic Breathing & learn how you can make yourself calmer, more aware of your mind, body, spirit & life around you by just being mindful of your BREATH! Also we will learn different types of breathing which can either get you energised or calm you down & then we will Meditate.